We all see God’s grace in our lives in many different ways: a helping hand from a neighbor, a kind word from a friend, an unexpected gift from a loved one. How we respond to that grace sets the tone for our life. Responding with generosity of our time, talent, and treasure lifts us up to better appreciate God’s grace.

Ways to Pledge:

  1. Pledge Card: Pick up your giving packet and/or youth /children’s pledge cards in the parlor on Kickoff Sunday, October 8, or on each of the following two Sundays.

  2. Online: Use your Realm account to enter your 2024 giving estimate here.

  3. Email: Send an email with your name, address, and giving estimate to giving@bmpcnc.org

  4. Snail Mail: Packets will be mailed to you starting Monday, October 23, if you have not picked them up at the church.

Can you take the next step?

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7