Columbarium: A Final Resting Place in Black Mountain

The Columbarium at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church was begun as a part of our most recent building addition in 1993. The Session decreed that the Columbarium could not be a “moneymaking” operation of the Church. The committee reports to the Session via the Property Ministry Team.


Persons eligible to be interred in the columbarium or to have their names on plaques are:

  • Members associated ordained members of Black Mountain Presbyterian, their spouses, children, parents, stepchildren, and their stepparents.

  • Ordained ministers who have served Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, their spouses, children, parents, stepchildren, and their stepparents.

  • With prior approval of the Columbarium Committee friends of Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, former members, affiliate members and their spouses, children, parents, stepchildren, and their stepparents.

pricing & availability

Presently the Columbarium is comprised of three Niche Units ( A, B, and C) with a total of 224 Niches, and one Plaque Unit (P) with 56 Plaques. As of November 1, 2012, there is one Niche each in Units B and C that are not subscribed and only 15 of 80 in Unit A that are subscribed. Plaque Unit P has 45 of 56 spaces subscribed. There is room for expansion.

  • Niche units B and C, $200 per niche;

  • Niche unit A, $400 per niche,

  • Plaque unit P, $100 per space.

Niche units A, B, and C are for the storage of cremains. Plaque unit P is for those who are interred elsewhere but wish to be remembered at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church.
