We are in a unique moment in our faith community’s history, a time to cultivate our resources and plant a seed for the future at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church. BMPC has not undertaken significant preservation and renovation work to our campus in more than thirty years. During this time, however, both the number of people who attend services and events and the number of community outreach efforts they enable BMPC to support have flourished and continue to blossom. When new members share why they joined BMPC, they most often cite the meaningfulness of our worship and the desire to be part of a church engaged in significant outreach.
BMPC members get their hands dirty with thousands of volunteer hours donated to local mission partners such as Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministry, Bounty & Soul, and other ministries. Every week of the year our members give leadership, helping hands, cans of food, listening ears, and meals served with a smile.
Today, just as our outreach efforts are most in need of support, the BMPC campus is deeply in need of restoration and maintenance. To continue to provide inspiring worship and expand our transformative ministry to Black Mountain and beyond, we must improve our aging campus and prepare for the future.
After careful study of our campus and ministries, our Session has unanimously voted to launch a $1.5 million fundraising effort, Sowing the Seed, Planting our Future. Funds from the campaign will go toward three major projects:
RENEW the Sanctuary and Narthex. These spaces see the most use of any of our facilities and are badly in need of restoration. New flooring for both spaces, new windows and improved lighting in the sanctuary, updated sound system and several other improvements will result in a warmer and more welcoming gathering and worshipping experience.
REBUILD the Church House. This valuable asset, located adjacent to our main campus and directly in front of our state-of-the-art playground, has deteriorated to the point that it is no longer safe for use. Our architect has stated that “the bones” of the structure are healthy and he has drawn up blueprints for the total restoration of the structure.
RENOVATE Fellowship Hall and Kitchen. Built in the 1980s, this space is showing its age and is in need of restoration to continue to function as a worship and gathering space. A new floor, enhanced sound system and lighting, a renovated kitchen and other improvements will bring fresh life to this vital space.
Like each earthly component that supports a seed’s growth, each component of this campaign is essential to the success, vitality, growth and life of BMPC.
Your three-year campaign commitment will help cultivate the good soil of BMPC, sowing the seed for the ministries of the future. Every gift is precious. Please prayerfully consider yours.
RENEW the sanctuary and narthex.
Estimated cost of $450,000
• Porte-cochère providing our church a central entrance • New flooring in narthex and sanctuary • Comfortable pew chairs in front of sanctuary • New efficient and workable sanctuary windows • Brighter lighting in sanctuary • Updated AV and sound system • Updates to the organ and chancel area • Open french doors leading into library
REBUILD the church house.
Estimated cost of $495,000
• New roof and flooring • Updated electrical wiring • New HVAC and plumbing • Renovated kitchen • Accessible entries • New bathrooms for all ages • Wrap around porches • Dedicated youth center
RENOVATE the fellowship hall and kitchen.
Estimated cost of $550,000
• New flooring and HVAC • Renovated kitchen with new appliances • Improved sound system and lighting • New covered entrance into fellowship hall with patio space • Outdoor grilling area • Additional storage •Updated hall flooring and fresh painted walls
What Can I Do?
Ask questions about Sowing the Seed, Planting our Future.
Come to capital campaign events.
Read about it and talk about it with your church family and leaders.
Dream, imagine, and envision with us: How will we be able to sow the seed and plant our future?
Pray. Prayer provides critical nourishment for our shared vision of planting seeds and yielding fruit. We encourage you to seek God’s guidance during our campaign by asking in prayer God, what do You want to do through me?
Give sacrificially. Each gift, each sacrifice is important to our efforts. Your commitment is a decision between you and God – it must come from your heart in response to God’s grace. We believe not in equal gifts but in equal sacrifice made by the giver. There is a role for everyone to play in sowing the seed, planting our future.
Frequently Asked QUESTIONS
When will construction begin? Thanks to generous early commitments, construction on the Church House can begin in the next few months. Construction on the fellowship hall, narthex and sanctuary could begin by fall, depending on the planning and approval timeline, and will take around one year to complete.
How much should my commitment be? Your commitment to the capital campaign is a decision you’ll make through prayer and discernment. Not all gifts will be equal in size, but they can be equal in sacrifice.
What about my annual pledge to BMPC’s operating budget? Your gift to the capital campaign is above and beyond what you give to the operating budget, which funds the missions and ministries our community relies on each year.
When do I make my commitment and begin paying it? We will make pledges on Commitment Sunday, May 23. Pledges to our capital campaign are payable over a three-year period, and we ask that you make the first payment on your commitment on First Fruits Sunday, June 6.
Will this project increase maintenance costs or strain our finances? We anticipate that maintenance costs will stay the same or fall, as more energy-efficient buildings reduce the utility bills. Our operating budget is in a healthy place, so we do not expect this project to place undue strain on BMPC’s finances.
What if there’s a gap between funds raised and project costs? If the need to take out a loan to cover project costs arises, the congregation will vote on how to move forward. We also have the option to defer certain improvements.
Capital Campaign Leadership Team
Mary Katherine Robinson – Pastor
David Carter Florence – Associate Pastor
Mary Carroll Dodd, Bill Waterstradt – Co-Chairs
Bill Straughan – Lead Gift Team Leader
Sarah Berglund – Advanced Commitment Team Leader
Russ and Janine Spiller – Prayer Team Leaders
Annamarie Arens, Jane Belsches – Students and Children Team Leaders
Julie Culpepper, Kitty Fouche, Jackie Kerr, Ellen Phillips Smith, Brittany Williams – Communications Team
Sam Webber – Financial Reporter