Special Services
Weddings, Baptisms, and Memorials are part of life and BMPC offers these special services for members of this congregation and their families.
The celebration of Christian marriage is an occasion of great joy and excitement as well as great significance and reverence. The Marriage ceremony is a service of worship, centering around the deep and joyful love between two persons, the supporting love of families and friends, and the all-encompassing love of God.
Weddings can be scheduled for members and affiliate members of Black Mountain Presbyterian Church and their immediate family members. The member or affiliate is required to have been active, contributing, and participating in the life of Black Mountain Presbyterian Church for a minimum of three months before a wedding will be scheduled.
Individuals with no spiritual ties to the church need approval from the Pastor, Worship & Music Team, and Session. They also need to be sponsored by an active, contributing, and participating member of the congregation.
Weddings are scheduled by calling the office at 828-669-2725, or emailing Mary Katherine Robinson.
Baptism is the sign and symbol of inclusion in God's grace and covenant with the Church. In Baptism, we die to what separates us from God and are raised to newness of life in Christ. Baptism unites the people of God with each other and with the church of every time and place. (from the Book of Order, W-2.3000)
Baptisms are scheduled by filling out the Baptism Information Form and submitting it to the office. If you have questions or would like to request a hard copy please contact us at the office at 828-669-2725.
Funerals and Memorial Services call the community of faith to celebrate the lives of those who have joined the Church Triumphant, and to acknowledge Christ's victory over death through the Resurrection.
These services are scheduled by calling the office at (828) 669-2725 or emailing Mary Katherine Robinson.
Black Mountain Presbyterian Church built a columbarium to memorialize members of the Church Eternal and hold their remains. We have created our columbarium in the same loving spirit in which our churches in the past have provided cemeteries for traditional burials. Located in the central courtyard, our columbarium provides niches for the placement of ashes, as well as a limited number of plaques to memorialize loved ones whose remains are located elsewhere. You can view the DIRECTORY here.
For more information, please contact the office at
(828) 669-2725 or email Sam Webber.
Plaque Unit P located in the courtyard of the church.