International Partners
BMPC has a rich history of being deeply invested in international missions and working with the PC(USA) on carrying God’s love and mercy into the global community. We are the home to dozens of retired Presbyterian missionaries who have spent over 250 years of combined ministry to peoples and countries around the globe including the Congo, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, Zimbabwe, India, Indonesia, and more. We continue to be blessed by our 20 year-long relationship with our partner church in Guatemala, Ebenezer. We support five PC(USA) Mission Co-workers through PC(USA) global mission. Through our prayers and our financial gifts we partner with these international ministries who are carrying out Christ’s mission of compassion and mercy. In the Middle East: Pilgrims of Ibillin; In Africa: Ministry of Hope Malawi/Lesotho; In Asia: Christian Friends of Korea.
Guatemala Partnership
We have a long and deep relationship with Ebenezer Church, our partner church in Guatemala. Ebenezer is in the town of San Antonio.
For over 20 years, members from BMPC have gone to visit our sisters and brothers at Ebenezer in Guatemala, and members from Ebenezer church have traveled to visit with us in North Carolina. The partnership is based on a mutual learning from each other.
Our goal is to travel to visit our sister church at least every two years. We have enjoyed many trips to Guatemala as a church, as part of the presbytery delegation, or as part of the presbytery leadership team. Our most recent trip was in January of 2023, including church members from ages 7 to 78!
In addition to over a dozen visits back and forth, our partnership also includes a scholarship program where we help to send 20 young people to school, and partner those young Guatemalan students with our children and youth to become pen pals, writing letters and developing relationships.
At the request of our brothers and sisters at Ebenezer, we have also helped supply water filters to assure clean water for many of the people in San Antonio.
One of the gifts of the connectional nature of the Presbyterian Church is that not only is our church connected to a church in Guatemala, Presbyterian churches all over Western North Carolina are partnered to and connected with Presbyterian churches all over the Suchitepéquez and Sur Occidente areas of Guatemala.
We currently support five PC(USA)
Mission Co-workers:
Outreach Foundation
Frank Dimmock
African specialist