Living God’s Grace
in the World

Almost everything we do at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church is Mission or Missional.


All church members are considered ministers and missionaries, carrying God’s grace and mercy out into the world. Much of our Outreach and Mission is carried out through our Mission Ministry Team in partnership with both local and international organizations.

Please contact Mission Ministry Team chairperson Mary Carroll Dodd to learn more about how to get plugged into mission and outreach through BMPC.

As a church of around 650 members, we gave $85,900 in 2019 to ministry partners here in Black Mountain and around the world to aid them in their ministries of compassion in the name of Jesus Christ. We get our hands dirty with thousands of volunteer hours that our members donate to such as SVCM and Bounty & Soul, as well as other ministries that we are involved in. Every week of the year our members give leadership, helping hands, cans of food, listening ears, and meals packaged or prepared and served with a smile!

In 2019, our Session designated 14% of the overall annual church budget for our Outreach & Global Mission. Happily, in 2020 we anticipate to disperse 14% of the church budget again to denominational, local and international mission partners – a total of $119,800, which will include special offerings and our Alternative Christmas giving. We support over 15 local ministry partners, our PCUSA denomination, our Guatemala Partnership, several international mission organizations, the International Presbyterian Mission Co-workers in Taiwan, Madagascar, and South Asia and an African Mission Specialist through the Outreach Foundation.


Mission Ministry Teams


The Mission Ministry Team is the group of church members who help coordinate our Mission to the world. We are a dedicated group of church members that meet monthly to pray together and to discern where and how God’s Spirit is calling us to invest our energy and resources, and to work to promote the mission opportunities to BMPC and the larger community.


There are many Mission Teams that are part of the Mission Ministry that carry out the work for a specific project or partnership. Some of these include:

  • Rise Against Hunger

  • Room in the Inn

  • Earth Care

  • Racial Equity

  • Domestic Violence Prevention
    The Domestic Violence Prevention Team has created a Domestic Violence Prevention Policy that can be found here.

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Earth Care Ministry Team

Earth Care Mission Statement: “In accord with “A Guide to Greening Presbyterian Churches” (PCUSA), Earth Care will promote increased stewardship of God’s Creation, coordinating with Worship, Education, Facilities and Mission. We will -Celebrate Creation in worship;

Teach our community of faith so that in their daily lives they can be better stewards of Earth’s resources;

Find and initiate ways to reduce our facility’s impact on the environment;

Be examples for others;

Hope to leave a better world for future generations.”

Earth Care links:

PCUSA Environmental Ministries

Presbyterians for Earth Care

Creation Care Alliance of Western North Carolina

racial equity task force

BMPC is a congregation committed to embodying the love of Christ and taking risks to work for justice. 

We lament that recent events in our local, national, and global communities continue a historical pattern of violence committed by white individuals against people of color. 

We, as a mostly white church, recognize that we are bound up in the systems and culture that perpetuate the sickness of racism. We recognize that our silence is unacceptable and unfaithful. 

As people of faith, we wish to repent, to turn away from the comfort of our silence, the denial of our biases, and the ignorance of our privilege. 

As individuals, we have implicit, unconscious biases based on stereotypes that lead us to not notice racial inequity and excuse acts of violence and systems of oppression. 

As a Church, we have neglected to dismantle racism in our economic and power structures. 

As followers of Jesus, we are called into uncomfortable spaces, complex conversations, and difficult work. We trust that the Spirit of God is moving in this holy and messy work. 

The Racial Equity Task Force was formed in 2019 to discern ways to dismantle racism in our church and our local and global communities. The task force is an official subcommittee of our Outreach and Global Mission Team.

The Racial Equity Task Force was formed in 2019 to discern ways to dismantle racism in our church and our local and global communities. The task force is an official subcommittee of our Outreach and Global Mission Team.