Children at BMPC
Children’s Ministry at BMPC is growing and changing! We currently have Sunday School and Godly Play on Sunday mornings, quarterly Kids Night In & Parents Night Out events, a new Wednesday afternoon group (like Logos) coming back in the Fall of 2020, as well as many other opportunities for your children and families to learn and grow in faith. If you have any questions, please reach out to Brittany Williams, Director of Children’s Ministry.
Elementary Church School
(Children in 1st-5th grades)
Join Ms. Brittany and her wonderfully, fantastic volunteers for a fun morning of Bible Stories, games, arts & crafts, and time where we will connect with the Word of the Lord and how it makes sense in our lives!
Sundays from 9:40-10:40am
Education Wing – Upstairs in Room 11
Godly Play
(Children in 1st-3rd grades)
Godly Play is an innovative method of Christian education that helps children recognize, explore and strengthen their innate sense of God’s presence. This is done using some very traditional elements of the Christian faith – parables, Bible stories, silence and liturgical actions – but it is quite different from traditional models of teaching.
Sunday mornings during 11:00am worship after Faith Sharing with Children.
Education Wing - Upstairs in Room 11
Kids Night In and parents night out
(Children ages 1 year-5th grade)
Kids are invited to the church for a time of fellowship and fun! We play, sing, make crafts, eat dinner together, and finish with a movie. Parents are invited to meet at a local restaurant for fellowship and dinner together during this time.
Quarterly event – Dates and Times TBA.
Children In Worship
Children’s Sabbath – Our annual Children’s Sabbath is when all Elementary children are invited to be a part of the worship service through reading, singing, art, and more! At this service all first and fourth graders are presented with Bibles.
Date – TBA
Family Christmas Eve Service – On Christmas Eve, at 4:00pm, BMPC has a special service for children and families. We retell the story of Jesus’ birth through readings, songs, and a Nativity! All BMPC children are encouraged to participate.
December 24 at 4:00 p.m.
Worship – BMPC children are always welcome to participate in worship. If your child would like to be a greeter, usher, liturgist, or be involved in another way, we welcome them into these roles in our FirstLight service and 11:00am traditional service.