The Endowment Fund seeks to provide and promote the opportunity for planned giving that supports the ministry and mission of both the donor and the church into perpetuity.
The Session of the Black Mountain Presbyterian Church established the Endowment Fund on March 30, 1998 to provide members and friends of the church an opportunity to extend their stewardship beyond their lifetime by making gifts directly or through planned giving to permanently fund the ministry and mission of the church.
The members of Black Mountain Presbyterian Church are generous! From changing our community to changing the world – We love to give our time, talent, and treasure. We are called by Christ and empowered by the Spirit to act as God’s hands and feet on earth and to Build a Legacy of Faith for future generations.
In verse four of Psalm 145 the psalmist indicates that praise is intergenerational, passed from one generation to the next. Lyle Schaller, one of the most influential Christian thought leaders of the 20th century, wrote about the “grandmother” syndrome in mainline denominations. He expressed how we love having lots of children in our churches, but we are relieved when responsibility for their care and teaching belongs to someone else. Like the psalmist he extorted all of us to accept responsibility for praising God’s work for the next generation, so our legacy of faith will not be lost.
At Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, you are given the opportunity to teach now and lead by example now. And by making a gift to the BMPC Endowment Fund, each of us is able to praise God’s work to future generations… Building a Legacy of Faith to meet tomorrow’s needs and needs into the future. Wealth is not a criterion for beginning your legacy.
“One generation shall praise Thy works to another.”
Endowment Board Members
If you would like more information on the BMPC Endowment Fund, board members can provide you with information and guidance.
Mary Katherine Robinson, ex officio member and pastor
Gayle Petty-Johnson, moderator
Libba Fairleigh
Rosie Johnson
Jim McDowell
Liz Riley
John Snell
Tanner Picket
Current Fund Categories
Discretionary Fund (unrestricted) To benefit the general programs of the Church as determined by the Endowment Board and Session
Christian Education (restricted) To benefit and enhance Christian Education program
Mission (restricted) To be used to bring a higher level of commitment to missions of the Church
Hilda Plecker Hobson (restricted) To assist gifted youth to receive enriching education
Black Mountain Home for Children (restricted) To be used to assist the Home’s needs in its care for children.
Weekday School (restricted) To benefit and enhance the operations of The Weekday School
Worship & Music (restricted) To benefit and enhance the Worship and Music Program
Property Fund
“What is the use of living, if it not be to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone.”