Connect on Realm


We are happy to promote a new, innovative way for you to keep up with the BMPC mobile directory, register for events, keep up with groups, and easy online giving with the FREE REALM Connect App!  You can download it onto either an IPhone or Android using your app store. 

(screenshot of what you will see when clicking the link to the right)

(screenshot of what you will see when clicking the link to the right)

Step 1:

Click here to set up your login username and password:  Access ACS Login Setup

login screen 3.png

Step 2:

Using your mobile device’s app store, search for “Church Life” and install/open.

login screen 4.png

Step 3:

Use the same email and password that you set up in Access ACS to login to Church Life.

Once installed and logged in, you can access “People,” our calendar and set up online giving.  If you have any questions or need additional instructions, please contact Sam at the church office.